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Our Ministries


At Blondy Church we believe one of the best ways to stay faithful to the Lord is to have a strong support system. Because of this, we have many different ministries for all ages and groups of people. We encourage you to visit our office anytime or stop by our information desk during service.

Creation Kidz Ministry

We have classes and care for kids from newborn to 3rd grade every Sunday during our morning service. We also have classes for 2 Year Olds to 5th Grade on Wednesday Nights at 7pm. We welcome you to join us anytime!

Prayer Meeting

God has given us a revelation of the importance of intimacy and because of that we have chosen to come together every, Sunday morning at 9:30 am in the office, for a time of prayer for our city, region and this country.

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Our Outreach

God has blessed us with the opportunity to disciple and restore individuals who have led a life of addiction by allowing us to partner with Hope Center Ministries to build a Men and Women's Center in our town. Through the efforts of Blondy Church and the Lewis County Faith Based Recovery Coalition we are seeing many lives restored because of a community of churches, businesses, and people, in this community working together in unity.   We also support the Showers of Blessings ministry in India.  We were able to build five wells and help build a children's home for underprivileged children. 

Widow's Ministry

We are very excited and proud of what God is doing in the lives of the widows at Blondy Church. We have one of the most active widows groups in the region. They are continually getting together and fellowshipping in various ways. The widows at Blondy Church are a vital part of the vision of the house. They meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at 11:00 in the office area for food, fun and fellowship.


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Pursuit Yth 

Pursuit Yth is a youth outreach for our Community.  We're opening up our Wednesday night services for the youth in our Community from grades 6th - 12th grade. You don't have to be a member of Blondy to attend. We just want to change lives in our youth.  

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